A Dog-tastic Update

Happy-Dog (2)It’s somewhat astounding how the course of a week can seem to change your outlook on things, even if the changes that have occurred are not completely unexpected. This past Tuesday I took my dog Boomer into the veterinary surgeon to have the cancer tumors removed. The surgery went well and without any apparent complications and they ended up removing two cotton-ball sized tumors and a third that was lemon-sized. While this in itself is not happy news, no further tumors were detected, which is wonderful news. In all likelihood, he has cancer in his other lymph nodes but they are thankfully (for now) microscopic.

In the final analysis, this does not change his long term chances for survival, but he is currently at home showing renewed vigor and is back somewhat to his normal self. He is even gaining weight again. Beyond having stitches in his rump and belly, he is otherwise no worse for the wear. It is a small victory, to be sure, but one that I will celebrate. I’ve learned with cancer that victory might not include getting rid of the cancer or even survival. Sometimes it is simply the existence of hope and happiness. My dog is feeling better and can enjoy his life for now. That is enough for me.

Additionally, something monumental is occurring for my wife and myself. I’ll go into it later, so as not to curse the process -if that is possible- but it’s a definite moment of jubilation that I look forward sharing with everyone, something that will impact every part of my life and change a great number of things.  Finally, it is high time to get back on task for my writing. The next two months will be no doubt very busy, especially moving into March, but this should be a perfect test for me. Life is never easy and I’m unlikely to ever have a lifestyle where I can do nothing but write. Besides, while the next few months might be stressful, they should also be very inspirational, creatively. Thus, I am revising my original estimate and plan to finish the first draft by the end of March.

That feels a little lenient, but I also want to make the goal feasible.  Ultimately, my aim will be to have the novel beta-read and re-edited (and beta-reviewed again) and finally published by late summer.  Despite the dark start, I’m hoping to make this a very impactful and positive year and I can think of at least two things that would make that happen.  We shall see if they occur.  Upcoming on the blog, I’ll be sharing some insightful posts I’ve read in the next couple of days and then finally get some regular posts back on here, instead of these “in-the-life” posts I’ve been making lately.

Till then a good year for all!

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